Monday, March 19, 2012

Australians are obsessed with sun cream and jelly fish.

The Chihuly sculpture I saw last week at the Bellagio made me think of Salt Lake's own at Abravenal Hall. Both remind me of undersea creatures I've seen at the Great Barrier Reef - hence todays topic. Australians are obsessed preventing death by skin cancer, and death by box jelly fish - rightfully so, I suppose.

Admittedly, I balk at all of this wilderness protection stuff, and can hatch many a conspiracy theory involving big pharmaceuticals and makers of Lycra, but as one authoritative website says: "You have virtually no chance of surviving a venomous sting."

Stinger season on Australia's North Coast is generally from October to March.

Like a good tourist, last time I was down there, I put on the stinger suit.

I got started out pretty confidently. 

Had issues finding the arms. 

And got stuck halfway down the sleeves. 

But somehow managed to zip up and pose for this awesome photo with Keiko. 

And now we're ready to fend off the evil sun and box jelly menace. 

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