Monday, November 21, 2011

The Great Layoff Escape Day 6: Park Benches of Pemberley

Art Nouveau Bench
The Chatsworth Estate features as Jane Austin's Pemberley in the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly.

Unfortunately, the view of the exterior is at its best during an abysmal closing scene.  Elizabeth and Darcy sit infront of the house making kissy-talk. I won't drag you through the poorly-scripted details here.

The film, however, reveals some stunning shots of the house.

Chatsworth is surrounded by gardens, forests, and pastures, ripe for exploring. After touring the house, I set out in the misty rain and wandered until dark.

I admired the plentitude and variety of  benches scattered around the grounds for visitors to park it and take in the view.

If you happen to be travelling with your lover, you might consider choosing a bench in front of the house. Who knows? Maybe the closing scene to your visit will be better than Keira's.

Wind Shelter

Wind Shelter Surprise Bench
Rock Wall Bench
Wind in the Willows Bench
Victorian Bench

JFK Dollar Chair

JFK Dollar Detail
Limestone Crescent Bench
Rustic Bench
Rustic Bench with View
Hedge Row Bench

Serpent Bench

Respite Bench

Interested in the politics of park benches? Catch Monocle's podcast "The Urbanist Episode 5: Sitting Down in the City" available on iTunes or via the Monocle 24 Website. 


  1. Continued adoration of benches, wandering and long pausing to drink it all in. Wonderful to hear about it and see the photos again. Especially after just getting back from my own misty walk in our hills, finishing Debo's latest. {You already know how I feel about Ms. Knightly ;)}

  2. the bench made of quarters is sa-weeet!
