Sunday, April 15, 2012

Happy Easter Orthodox Style

Tim, Josh, & Renae 

Today is Easter in the Orthodox Christian world. Twelve years ago I celebrated Easter in Timisoara, Romania with some amazing friends. 

Codruta, Renea, Delana, Tim, Mihai, & Michael

At 11:30 p.m. we joined 7,000 or so Romanians in Piata Operei, a grand plaza immediately in front of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral. 

At midnight, a priest parted the veil of heaven carrying a burning candle. Slowly, he shared his light with a few inside the church.  They in turn shared light with their neighbors, cautiously cupping the nascent flame.  


The light flowed down the nave, rippled out the main doors onto the street and flooded into the plaza. 


  Walking home that night, I guarded my candle flame and memorized the words to the liturgical hymn, "Jesus is risen from the dead:" 

Isus a inviat din morti
Cu moarte pe moarte calcand
Si celor din morminte
Viata daruindu-le

Jesus is risen from the dead
Conquering death by death
And to those in the grave
Granting life. 

Happy Easter!


  1. Chris! Lois told me about your blog this evening. I never knew about it. Steph, Roger and Britt just told us they saw you tonight! Are you still going to be in Europe for the rest of your schooling? Lee and I need to plan a trip to Europe with you sometime--you'll have to come with us to Nicaragua sometime too. Hope all is well! Great blog!

    1. It seems like everybody is going to Europe! It was fun to see Stephanie and Andy and Roger and Britt yesterday. I leave Sunday for two weeks of school business visits and then my parents, Steven, and Kristi and kids are coming over for a week and a half in France. I'm looking forward to the break!

  2. Such beautiful symbolism and language. The perfect way to celebrate Easter. Then and now. Glad for sharing last week and that your day yesterday couldn't have been better. And the delicious grape leaf dish! Always love your Romania stories.

  3. PS: I adore this Orthodox Easter podcast. Sensual, mystical, wise. Excellent fun. Just in case you have time, I think you'd love it.

  4. Beautiful post, Chris! Bryce and I were lamenting the lack of powerful Easter traditions and worship within our own Church. We're committing to starting some with our family. Thanks! Also, let's see you soon?

  5. I'm with D on the need for more powerful Easter traditions. This seems lovely. I've been finding that the older I get, the more I crave or want ritual and tradition.

    With house guests, Easter got a bit swept under the table. And I regret that.

  6. I usually try to go to the midnight service at the Greek Orthodox Church similar to the one above. Last Saturday I had a finals breakdown and put myself to bed at 10:00 p.m. so I didn't make it. Easter brings out the need for ceremony more so than Christmas for me. All the pagan springtime momentum mixed with Christ resurrection devotion must be ritualized in some way more than reese's peanut butter eggs!-although I love them too.
