Saturday, March 24, 2012

Salt Lake City: We're having such a city experience tonight!

Tonight I had the pleasure of wandering the city with Jenna. We finished dinner around 8 and then took to the streets with no agenda and nowhere to go. About 9 we ran into a group of buskers called the Folk Hogans. We immediately fell in love with the scrappy banjo mistress. 

This guy was decent too.  I don't know how to describe the music: bluegrass, meets Paris accordion, meets raucous pirate tavern/brothel. 

Folk, i guess it's called folk.  

London - Picadilly
The music took me to London circa 2003. As a student in London I was too poor to hit the theater at night. So in lieu of high culture, I wandered alone during those warm June nights, journal in hand, looking for a scene. 

Often distraction came in the form of buskers at Covent Garden. I'd write, listen to music, feel lonely, and write some more. 

Jenna and I were hooked by Folk Hogan and watched them for an hour or so.  As they played their final song, our friends Jared, Annie, Elliott and Erika walked down the street.

We stood under the lamplight in the warm March night ironically quipping  about how Salt Lake has become quite the place to have a "city experience."   

Time will tell. But for tonight I enjoyed the company of buskers and friends, and left my journal and melancholy four  blocks away at home. 

1 comment:

  1. SLC is growing up! Bringing all of the suburbanites to the "big" city.
