Sunday, March 11, 2012

Inside Chatsworth House on a 6 quid tour.

Ian, our docent, discussing a corner of the room. I think he was discussing something about staff infighting about whether to arrange the statuary according to the original plan in 1700-something, or to arrange it as the collection evolved. Which is relevant because the family still lives in the house. I'd hate to be forced to keep my furniture the same as it was on the first arrangement. 

The corner being discussed. 

He told us about a mural painter who impregnated a scullery maid at the house. This resulted in the painter and the housekeeper getting into a row, and he immortalized her as a demon on the ceiling.  In this one Ian is pointing to the fireplace.  

Where there is a collection of tulip vases from the Dutch Tulip Bubble of 1673.

Here we're looking at a portrait of the Duchess of Devonshire entitled Women in a White Shirt. 

Lucian Freud, known for painting unflattering nudes, was a friend of the duchess's. Ian relayed a joke from the Duchess about how the painting made her look a million years old. I want to say that this painting is from 1960. 

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