Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Getting away to stay-in: why homework in a hotel is better than you might think.

JW Marriott Phuket, Thailand

Last night, while Shad and Scott were wandering the Vegas strip, I stayed in to tackle some homework.

Instead of feeling resentful, I was surprised how focussed and efficient I was. There were no dishes to do, and no social life to feel bad about neglecting. Now that H&M and JCrew are two blocks from my house, I wasn't missing out on any destination shopping, and I've already gawked at and slept in most of the hotels.

Bacara Resort Santa Barbara, California

With the exception of Vegas's unparalleled people watching, which I was sure to get later that night anyway, staying in at New York New York was the most academically favorable setting I've had in recent memory.

Pelican Hill Resort Newport Coast, California

What makes a good homework retreat?

  • Fireplace or comforter and a good view.
  • Good scenery and places to explore in-between homework sessions. 
  • Affordable room service and grab-and-go food options. 
  • Quick escapes, like a swim in the ocean. 
  • Sound-proof doors or a near-silent locale. 

Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano - Fairmont Orchid Resort

I've pulled plenty of 8+ hour homework sessions in luxe resorts over the past three years of my MBA - with no regrets. I'm thinking I should get away to stay-in at least once a month until graduation.

Sundance Resort here I come!

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