Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hell's Backbone Grill to Open 16 March

U.S. Highway 12 from Torrey to Boulder, Utah wins my vote as best drive in the world.  On top of the Aquarius Plateau you can see the earth's Grand Staircase descend towards the Grand Canyon in an infinite array of open, bleeding geological lacerations.

It's particularly amazing after a good autumn rain.

It's even better if you're headed to dinner at Hell's Backbone Grill.


  1. Hell's Backbone Grill is divine, as is Cafe Diablo in Torrey. Now I need a nature trip and a good meal.

  2. One of my top dining experiences was at Cafe Diablo (with Dianne incidentally). How nice of the Universe to place two fabulous restaurants as bookends on one beautiful drive!

    I'm in need of some Utah desert in a bad way.

  3. I had a blah experience at Cafe Diablo, but I'd love to try it again! I think it might have been the rare lamb I ordered. Not a fan. I remember the organic potato something being quite nice.
