Thursday, March 15, 2012

Away to Zion

I had a crappy day at work, made even crappier by the fact that I could have prevented it. Times like these I want to run away to the desert. And speaking of desert, I just barely downloaded my photos from a Zion National Park weekend from last November.

The pre-nuptial Bryce and Dianne at the Narrows Trail. I feel like I should get their permission to post this. 

It's the rapture at Zion! Er, maybe just an overexposed backlit shot at the Weeping Wall.


  1. Replies
    1. Sad I don't have any pictures of Jared in your car.

    2. Oh, but I do! See picture 145 of FB album "Still. Still."

    3. That was a magical weekend. Remember driving out to that very tasty restaurant in the middle of nowhere? And also the delicious breakfast at the condo Sunday morning? Clearly I havent't eaten yet today since I'm fixated on the food element of the trip. But I do remember as we drove into Zion and the snow was falling. Pretty amazing.
