Friday, February 17, 2012

Paris For Newbies

Inside Notre Dame

The day my family arrives in Paris, I'll probably be in class and have to send them off on their own adventure. Part of me is relieved they won't have to see me in tour guide mode.

They'll be forced into a heightened awareness of their surroundings and hopefully be provided with equal parts challenge and reward.

I expect they'll arrive at the Marriott Rive Gauche around 1:00 PM. I'm going to suggest they check-in, freshen up, and head out for a few hours before calling it a night around 7:00 PM or so.

Group Profile

Niece - 11           Sister-in-Law
Nephew - 8         Mom
Brother -13          Dad

The group is going to be jet-lagged, but I'm counting on hydration, food, and excitement to keep them going for a few hours. The kids will especially be meltdown-prone, but I hope a good mix of activities and lots of Disney references will charm the nastiness out of them. (Thank you Ratatouille and Hunch Back!)


I'm going to buy 4-day Paris Museum Passes for the adults in the group. The pass costs 54 Euro for unlimited access to more Museums and Cathedrals than anyone could possibly cover in one visit. It also ensures a clean public restroom practically anywhere in the city--worth the price alone! It'll pay for itself on day one. Oh, and did I mention most all museums are free for kids? Love you Paris, France.


First I'll send them up the bell towers of Notre Dame Cathedral. Sure, they'll be tired, but climbing all those steps will provide some physical activity, allow the kids to see gargoyles, and give a lay of the land.

Facing the Cathedral, the entrance is on the left-hand front corner at the base of the North tower.

After conquering the towers, I'll send them inside to see the stained-glass and to light a candle.

Next I'm directing them to the Archeological Crypte of Notre Dame. The entrance is in front of the main plaza. It might disastrously boring for the kids, but I think the decent under the church is a fun concept, and the museum's exhibits on Paris's inhabitants from the pre-Roman times to the 18th Century will give some context. If they hate it, they can leave sans guilt since its included in the Paris Museum Pass.

After the underground museum, it'll be time for a snack and a little hydration in the plaza.

The final cultural stop of the day will be the Saint-Chapelle. By this time the afternoon sun will light up the 13th Century stained glass to a magical glow. I'm counting on it being a delight for all. Again, if meltdowns start to happen, they can quickly exit down the stairs.

My final suggestion for the day is the Creperie St. Michel located across the bridge and down a tourist-trap of a street. Crepes don't originate in Paris, but they are French, and the ham and cheese will fill up and only set back about 5.50 Euro. There's a McDs by the cathedral should the little people resist.

Bravo if they make it this far on the first day. If they want to keep going there is plenty to see in the Latin Quarter and along the river.

And now back to those reliable Marriott beds for a good 12 hours of shuteye.

Day 1 Route Map