Friday, November 18, 2011

The Great Layoff Escape Day 4: Dance Lessons

We went to a wedding, outdoors, on a concrete pier. The bride arrived by boat. She wore a white dress, with fresh-picked leaves braided into her hair.

Em was the photographer.

Afterwards, at the party, when the dance music started, she stood next to me and cleared her throat.

"Would you like to dance?" I held out my hand.

"Lead the way.  Swedes are amazing dancers, see how Claus moves?"

"I don't really know how to dance like that. Why don't you show me . . ."

"The man is supposed to lead, and the woman follows. Just relax and go with it."

I remembered something akin to the Cha Cha. It kind of worked. She pretended to smile. The song changed. Em bolted for Claus, and beamed as they floated around the floor.

I hated myself for not being able to give her what she wanted.

Defeated, but too proud to show it, I joined the single and children's dance circle.

I asked her to dance the last song of the night. I tried to redeem myself.

She let go, dropped her hands, scanned the room, and took a deep breath.

She gave me three bullets. They went straight to my heart.

  • "It is important for a woman to look good on the dance floor. Her partner has to be confident and move with the beat." 

  • "Dancing should be like walking. If its not you're doing it wrong." 

  • "Never push a girl into a turn. You simply open up and give her space. She will do the turning on her own and come back to you how and when she wants." 

Em walked me through a few steps. We moved together for the first time that night. It was relaxed, and seemed like something I could definitely work on.

The song ended. We went outside, lit candles, and lined the pathway to the getaway vehicle.

All I could think about was leaving for England the next morning. I'm sure she was thinking the same.

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