Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Great Layoff Escape Day 2: Jeloya Island

I never expected to be back in Norway.

I woke at 7 and went outside for a run along the beach. I retraced my steps from a year ago last June, when I dropped in for a hello between Thailand and Paris.

Jeloya was in the height of summer green then.

Melancholic, and transitional, October weighed down the grass with frost, adding a touch of color to the trees.

I passed a group of preschool children dancing around a bonfire on the beach, a few digging in sand with a bright green shovel and bucket. Full-body snowsuits, hats and mittens indicated that this wasn't a usual summer outing.

The kids didn't seem to mind.

After an hour in the cold, and with only a late lunch on the agenda, I ran back to the house, took a shower until the hot water ran out, and slipped back under my down blanket.

Before sleep, I wondered what might possibly come next.

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