Sunday, September 18, 2011

Time for Something Different

Yesterday was my last day at work. My job was amazing and challenging.  Many have asked why I would leave this dream job. Honestly, I don't have a very good answer.

The best I could come up with was that I need something different.

I'm thinking about making some custom thank you cards to send out to people who made a difference to me over the past years.

On the cover I would have a few stats:

  • 400,000 SkyMiles
  • Fifteen Countries
  • Six Elephant Rides
  • Five International Conventions
  • One Night in the Hospital

And on the inside I would simply put

Thanks for Everything


  1. My very self-serving side is happy you'll be around more to hang out with us, and to have UC lunches. Hope you enjoy the new job!

  2. gorgeous, fun and smiling because i love the stories behind each listing. you already know my support but for permanent record: what blessings and congrats on courageously taking the leap! they're lucky to have you, sir.

  3. I'm excited for you Chris! I've been wondering how the interview went all those weeks ago, I guess this is the answer to that question? =)
