Sunday, July 1, 2012

Island Lake Hike

I want to start filming some of my trips, so this weekend I almost bought a really expensive Canon SLR camera. A wise, budget-conscious voice thought it might be a good idea to experiment with my iPhone first. I'm glad I listened, because film is a lot tougher than snapping instagram photos.

There's no sound, (because that's just way too complicated at this stage), but feel free to imagine birdsong, woodpeckers, the buzz of bees, and a slight breeze.

Island Lake Hike from Chris Bartholomew on Vimeo.


  1. Very beautiful! Is this up in the Uintas?

    1. Yes, up in the Uintas. The trail head is really close to Trial Lake.

  2. Delayed comment here, but I kind of love that video without any sound! It adds an artistically ethereal, home-video vibe. And I like how you come full circle at the end. Probably should buy that video camera.
