Which of Shangri-la's hotels is your favorite?
Well actually, I've only been with the company for two months now. I live in the bay area, so I have made it up to our Vancouver hotel. I hope I'm with the company long enough to experience all of the properties, but at the rate we are expanding I'm never going to make it--especially all of our hotels in China. I'm very interested in our resorts in the Middle East , and would love to see our new Shangri-la Vilingili Resort in the Maldives.
So what's new with Shangri-la?
We're particularly excited about our first three properties in Europe. The Shangri-la Paris will open next month, the Shangri-la Vienna in 2011 and the Shangri-la London in 2012, just in time for the Olympics.
In our opinion your Fiji Property is the weakest in the brand. Are there any plans to renovate?
We have just completed a soft goods renovation including the carpet, but are waiting for funds to come on line for a more extensive renovation. Shangri-la owns and operates most all of its hotels, and as you can imagine, we are currently focused on growth areas. Fiji is not our highest priority.
What sets Shangri-la apart from other "luxury" brands?
You've stayed with us, so you know our attention to detail. We represent luxury with an Asian flair, and incomparable hospitality.
We have also reintroduced our Golden-Circle Club as loyalty points program. We realized that points mean big business in the US market. Business travelers and planners were overlooking us because we didn't have a points-based loyalty program.
shangri la la la for sure. some of these have fine interiors. fascinating to hear the inside scoop.